Monday, April 4, 2016

____ Out of Sustainablility

If Abraham Maslow would have been alive, he would have added more slabs & components  to the Hierarchy theory pyramid in detailed version.

A school student considers himself as old- retarded who cant adjust himself in this complex world after watching his grown up members of family whereas his grandfather at the age of 68 wants to live and accumulate more & more so as his grandson life will be materialistically secured.. And inbetween  Rest of the world suggests the grandfather and the school student to consult a Psychiatrist.

Here is a short story -Humpty's father worked hard and spent a lot of money on Humpty's education and forced him to study hard to make him an engineer who will earn a lot ..Finally 'Humpty the Engineer' got a job and went to abroad..
After 4yrs, Mr. Rascala Rowdy(Humpty's Father) wants Humpty to come back to his home country, stay with his parents then marry a housewife who can cook good food and can lay talented eggs..But Mr.Rascala didnt consider the following points:-
1. Humpty dont need pocket money anymore to fuel bike to roam around with his girlfriend
2. In the last 4 yrs,Humpty has transformed from Dumb Humpty to Yo Yo Humpty.
3. Humpty purchased a small house in abroad  which his father thought as a wise investment.

Skipping the story a bit , At the end Mrs Rascala Rowdy consoles his husband for his son's ignorance as she used to console Humpty in past for his father's slaps and shouts..Finally Mr. Rascala understand and takes wise decision to keep own mouth shut so as to avail atleast  the Medical Insurance which Humpty's company will be providing for his parents.

Some of the basic suggestions now hovering around for freshers in the polluted environment are as follows:-
1. "Get a Govt /PSU Job.Life will be secured". True Unsaid-reason Behind Suggesion(TUBT)- 'You are not capable of handling business nor you have bulk fund to invest and  in pvt sectors you will be kicked the very next month because of targets...Rather you will be in comfort zone and no point using your whatsoever skills'

2. For a Guy- "Marry a House Wife, You both can spend quality n quantity time together".- TUBT- 'if you will marry a working lady, you have to drop her in office, collect her dresses from laundry .Salary of kaam bali bai and the hotel bills for food  will be more than your 2 months salary. in short you cant afford. '

3. For a Girl- "Marry an IAS/Govt Employee/CA/ who would also be having side business too, You both can plan a better and practical life "- TUBT- ' your husband will be busy in making much money so that you can afford to hire  kaam bali bai who can cook ,clean and give you all the updates of the circumference as well as you can take out time to perform some productive activities in kitty parties.   as the fact is  you cook crap and your working skills are horrible.. all you can do is gossiping.'

Sustainability!!. Ow such a sweet word, the ability to sustain in this world with friends, family, society, work, relationship etc etc..And why to sustain!, lets face it-  we are so afraid of losing that fear makes us feel that sustainability is very precious & zest of life. For an example, A criminal also need to sustain his crime in progressive manner because he have a fear that once he stop crime and turn into a saint to try something new , nice and different ,he will be dead..

IN real sense , sustainability concept is for those who are so much into so called comfort zone that in true sense they are killing the unknown skills they have within and by the time they reach at the level of Self Actualization, its like knowing the proper use of flavoured Condom at the age of 80.

Its like trying to sustain without living the moment.

Now lets fill the blanks of this Post, '---- Out of Sustainability', the simple aaaannnswer is 'SHIT':)
i,e SHIT Out of Sustainability or vice versa.
*kind attention-in this post  SHIT is derived from the word 'Insecurity' :)

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Go for an evening walk.Get Distracted.

The evening wind of Summer is the most beautiful & fresh sensation one will ever feel  after a long scorching heat and tiredness of day work.
The faster we walk tearing the wind sooner the tiredness start leaving us, some say it boosts up stamina..some say its as regular exercise n even some say its for muscle relax!!. Its to ponder how come giving pain to muscles/legs by walking/jogging/running takes away the tiredness and makes us feel relaxed!! WAKE UP !!,Here we need to understand the true fact-i.e, Its all in mind with the stuffed elements of thoughts from which we need to run away..
Few sample thoughts-
"If I will be fat, I die"
"If I  will be depressed,I will die"
" I am poor, I cant afford best hospital, I will die"

Its the flow of thoughts garnished with anxiety/tension/depression which  makes us tired in a different way and its impact is so intense that it makes the whole body locked in an invisible small sized suffocating box..

Isnt it Amazing that mind gets relaxed after physical workout!! but why!! How come Physical workout becomes a Saviour!..Ting Tong!!!! the fact is physical activities are kind of  a diversion, a distraction to make you null by cleaning the garbage of your mind..

I have heard many stories of couples, they fight with each other, break things, negotiate, drink, consult doctors, plan to kill eachother and finally incase out of frustration they have SEX with eachother!! OW that bloody Mins of Sex becomes their Saviour curing the fights of  days n days!! After that they would be apologising eachother about their behaviour/mistakes taking all the blame on own..WTF (Sorry frnds I revealed your stories). But the Point is- it helped the couple cleaning their mind filled with the concept of  'Ego', 'Proving self right' , 'whtsoevr mine is first' etc etc.. Anyway they could have gone to gym or for a walk instead of draining all their energy in bed.

There is Person named 'They' who cant just sleep without listening to music!! Here to repeat it again, 'they' need distraction from  shitty bogus thoughts which are hovering in mind.. Lyrics and beats are just diversion..Finally the miracle happens, 'They' Sleep.But no doubt 'they' is going to be deaf after few + few years due to the ear plugs :). Concentration is no more important as compared to distraction for peace.

Yoga, Music, Swimming, Walking, Martial Arts have become more dearer than chocolate cake with choco chips n Coffee!! Even wallpapers of restaurants are designed with karate postures and yogis. What exactly you mean stupid interior designer!!.

Now being normal have turned into a sin.All want to be unique as even government wont sanction startup loans for normal business.. Girls in gunboots & cowboy jeans whereas Guys in white pant with red roses prints & peacock blue shirt is in trend. Oh Lord of Fashion. 

Anyway cut the crap , Go for an evening walk and get distracted ;)
Live life now as after death you wont able to see parks , flowers and footpaths on which our Government have spent a lot from the tax you pay.