Yahooo messenger!!, the place where all nonsense talk all nonsense even if they know they are talking nonsense. Sunday is the best day to stroll in the chat rooms of yahoo.All kind of characters/cartoons are found in the chat rooms->
Guys will be talking about girls and gadzets.
Guys will be talking about girls and gadzets.
Girls will be busy talking about latest fashion and bitching about their friends.
Some people busy having epicure talks.
School kids will be talking about their teacher's status like what is going on between 'X'sir and 'Y'ma'am!!
Love birds will be busy in their pvt. mess. box god maybe knowing what make them last for long in that box for hrs and hrs.
And the most active members are the so called-'bots'('bots' a name given to the cam models,advertising agencies) who will be busy with their recorded message indicating to click on their webpage and view them as per your wants provided you have a credit card. They bother you till you put them in ur 'iggy bag' which is your 'ignore list'. Those cam models or the advertising agencies never use to talk normal stuffs like about "your hobbies","who are you","what do you do", so on normal questions and talk..
It was sunday and i was at my humble abode suffering for cold and fever which was just like heaven and their was no way out except getting logged in yahoo n chat but the worst part was none of my friends were online which added colourful lights and stars to the heaven.
I went on changing the chat rooms to chat with someone who will not continue with same customary chat, but no!! didnt got any, all were after -"hi",,"hello" ,,"asl!!". damn wht is this!! why people are so usual and normal!!
But the bedevilling bots didnt stop bothering, all of a sudden i made up my mind to bother them more they bother me so that for the 1st time i will be ignored by the bots, went on writing to them all kind of absurd stuffs, words which flash with stars instead of alphabets,whote pestering poems full of insanity . After few minutes, Yes!!! i succeded,most of them inserted me in their iggy bag ,, some went offline getting scotched by me..wow!!
I was busy doing gas and gaiters.All of a sudden an instant message flashed from a user named 'scintillation', scintillation!!!,,, hmm the word was catchy but what does it mean!!, i couldnt wait to know the meaning of the word and got it in lexicon -scintillation i.e 'conversation or performance which is very lively and intresting'..wow impressive!!
I clicked on the instant message to view it-
"what the hell wrong with you ?" what the hell is wrong with me!! who is this scintillation writing these words to me!!
"sorry!!! who is this?" i emplored in a hope that maybe one of my friend is online with a new ID.
"am the one who got irritated by ur futile poems and hd to log off,.. u moron!!" i got to know she was one among those to whome i was sending absurd poems and i succeded..yes!!!
"Yes, its a pleasure of mine and am happy for my deed too .. why the hell you bots going on eating up people mind with ur bloody recorded message- 'am free,wanna hook me up!!',,,'chick on my webpage to see me doing xyz', why !! " i replied.
"shut up , u fool , its my job and i was doing it.."
"ohh great,, nice job, by the way why r u using now a different Id for writing this to me, u could have said the same thing in ur professional ID..lol"
"You r really an irritating monster n the reason am answering you from my personal ID because nw my 8hrs of work got over n the fact is we are not allowed to talk with anyone in our professional id, its a rule of our company "she answered.
"what a joke!! cam model conpanies hv got rules too!!!! wow..lol and how can u people sit infront of the cam for 8 hrs!!!,,fun! "
"shut up, its not at all funny!! i wish i could kill you right now,, u like moron dont know anything and will not understand. Its not easy at all for me to show pvt. skin and give fake smile to frustrated peverts who have got credit cards.. still i have to for living and to earn, atleast this job is better than becoming a street slut n getting laid with anyone, up here the company give us protection and body gaurds too, atleast its safe..and thank god i have got quite good figure and okey kind of looks so i got selected as a cam model otherwise i have seen how girls suffer for mere bucks." from her words i felt like she poured on me whatever anger she had for her suffering in her life.
I didnt get any words what to answer , i was reading her lines again and again,she went on buzzing ,after around a minute i answered,"okey !!...all i can say ->sorry!!!,,a sorry will do!!"
"its fine , am sorry too , i over reacted..i was quite tensed ...but your poems were so..i mean so baloney,, their was no sequence and the reason i logged in my personal id and chatting with u because you irritate very well and i wanted to take revenge.lol." she came back to her normal state after receiving a sorry from me.thank god.
"actually those poems were meant for irking u,.lol,,by the way the name of ur id is really a nice one..i like it"
"thanks..i too like the word ,, i like to read a lot of books, both fiction and non-fiction n in one of the book i found the word.. ",she went on.
i interrupted"wow...me too like to read books,who is ur fav author?" , books and a cam model!! quite odd!!
"i like books of paulo coelho"she answered,, paulo coelho !! a cam model!! Great,coelho, u r famous everywhere.
"hey i like his books too ,,but why didnt you complete your studies and went for any other kind of work!!" i added
"Am doing my nursing, it will take more one year for completion of the course..i borne my expences and pay my dues by doing this current job, once i complete my complete my course i will leave this job....damn!! you question so much.. i feel like you are a nice guy , hey!! now am in good mood!!!...let me tell you one thing as a friend...dont always judge people or take out conclusion about them by knowing WHAT they are doing ,you should 1st try to know WHY they are doing that work.. "she was continuing but i interrupted "i think once i told you sorry !!!"
she wrote"and i think i also told you ,,'its okey!!' accepting your sorry!!..am not passing any taunts to you ,just a friend giving you an advice..lol"
Then for around more 1 hr we had chat relating to books ,,people, jokes,,life,, and at the end got to know -NOT TO JUDGE PEOPLE BY "WHAT" WORK THEY DO BUT ALSO TO FOCUS ON "WHY " THEY DO THAT..
It was sunday and i was at my humble abode suffering for cold and fever which was just like heaven and their was no way out except getting logged in yahoo n chat but the worst part was none of my friends were online which added colourful lights and stars to the heaven.
I went on changing the chat rooms to chat with someone who will not continue with same customary chat, but no!! didnt got any, all were after -"hi",,"hello" ,,"asl!!". damn wht is this!! why people are so usual and normal!!
But the bedevilling bots didnt stop bothering, all of a sudden i made up my mind to bother them more they bother me so that for the 1st time i will be ignored by the bots, went on writing to them all kind of absurd stuffs, words which flash with stars instead of alphabets,whote pestering poems full of insanity . After few minutes, Yes!!! i succeded,most of them inserted me in their iggy bag ,, some went offline getting scotched by me..wow!!
I was busy doing gas and gaiters.All of a sudden an instant message flashed from a user named 'scintillation', scintillation!!!,,, hmm the word was catchy but what does it mean!!, i couldnt wait to know the meaning of the word and got it in lexicon -scintillation i.e 'conversation or performance which is very lively and intresting'..wow impressive!!
I clicked on the instant message to view it-
"what the hell wrong with you ?" what the hell is wrong with me!! who is this scintillation writing these words to me!!
"sorry!!! who is this?" i emplored in a hope that maybe one of my friend is online with a new ID.
"am the one who got irritated by ur futile poems and hd to log off,.. u moron!!" i got to know she was one among those to whome i was sending absurd poems and i succeded..yes!!!
"Yes, its a pleasure of mine and am happy for my deed too .. why the hell you bots going on eating up people mind with ur bloody recorded message- 'am free,wanna hook me up!!',,,'chick on my webpage to see me doing xyz', why !! " i replied.
"shut up , u fool , its my job and i was doing it.."
"ohh great,, nice job, by the way why r u using now a different Id for writing this to me, u could have said the same thing in ur professional ID..lol"
"You r really an irritating monster n the reason am answering you from my personal ID because nw my 8hrs of work got over n the fact is we are not allowed to talk with anyone in our professional id, its a rule of our company "she answered.
"what a joke!! cam model conpanies hv got rules too!!!! wow..lol and how can u people sit infront of the cam for 8 hrs!!!,,fun! "
"shut up, its not at all funny!! i wish i could kill you right now,, u like moron dont know anything and will not understand. Its not easy at all for me to show pvt. skin and give fake smile to frustrated peverts who have got credit cards.. still i have to for living and to earn, atleast this job is better than becoming a street slut n getting laid with anyone, up here the company give us protection and body gaurds too, atleast its safe..and thank god i have got quite good figure and okey kind of looks so i got selected as a cam model otherwise i have seen how girls suffer for mere bucks." from her words i felt like she poured on me whatever anger she had for her suffering in her life.
I didnt get any words what to answer , i was reading her lines again and again,she went on buzzing ,after around a minute i answered,"okey !!...all i can say ->sorry!!!,,a sorry will do!!"
"its fine , am sorry too , i over reacted..i was quite tensed ...but your poems were so..i mean so baloney,, their was no sequence and the reason i logged in my personal id and chatting with u because you irritate very well and i wanted to take revenge.lol." she came back to her normal state after receiving a sorry from me.thank god.
"actually those poems were meant for irking u,.lol,,by the way the name of ur id is really a nice one..i like it"
"thanks..i too like the word ,, i like to read a lot of books, both fiction and non-fiction n in one of the book i found the word.. ",she went on.
i interrupted"wow...me too like to read books,who is ur fav author?" , books and a cam model!! quite odd!!
"i like books of paulo coelho"she answered,, paulo coelho !! a cam model!! Great,coelho, u r famous everywhere.
"hey i like his books too ,,but why didnt you complete your studies and went for any other kind of work!!" i added
"Am doing my nursing, it will take more one year for completion of the course..i borne my expences and pay my dues by doing this current job, once i complete my complete my course i will leave this job....damn!! you question so much.. i feel like you are a nice guy , hey!! now am in good mood!!!...let me tell you one thing as a friend...dont always judge people or take out conclusion about them by knowing WHAT they are doing ,you should 1st try to know WHY they are doing that work.. "she was continuing but i interrupted "i think once i told you sorry !!!"
she wrote"and i think i also told you ,,'its okey!!' accepting your sorry!!..am not passing any taunts to you ,just a friend giving you an advice..lol"
Then for around more 1 hr we had chat relating to books ,,people, jokes,,life,, and at the end got to know -NOT TO JUDGE PEOPLE BY "WHAT" WORK THEY DO BUT ALSO TO FOCUS ON "WHY " THEY DO THAT..
I like it...its hilarious and heart touching at times.....seems you are getting better at it day by day...keep it up....MORON!!