Three mandatory sentence one have to face from all on his/her birthday starting from midnight i.e
1.happy birthday/many many happy returns of the day.
2.what are your plans?
3.what about the treat?
From last rapid 6 to 7 calls at midnight i got an idea ,it is wise to record your voice and set in mobile -> "thank you" and 'the venue where you will give the birthday threat' for those who dont get sleep and dont let the birthday victim's sleep!!
And the B'day morning -> It was around 6 am and the gang entered to give me surprise visit to celebrate my b'day at my place or in simple pour water on my love ,my sleep. I was in my boxer but they were in well attire.The characters were as follows:-
1.Ram-my friend.
2.shyam-my friend, stays always with me
3.anu-my friend, something is going on between ram and anu .
4.Shruti-much more than 'just friend'.
It was my day and as per the tradition i was suppose to show some attitude but believe me as am humble so i remained humble.
They came with a huge cake(black forest) and i was sure the four were waiting when i will chop the cake and deposit it in their mouth. I too had to tolerate the rough chorus birthday rhyme but among the all the voice shruti was sounding divine,kind of awww!! and wow!!!
Ram , Shyam and Anu were looking good.Shruti was looking beautiful, i don't remember what colour she was wearing that day but the colours she was in was meant fr her only. I cant describe her more or all boys as well as girls will fall in love with her, which i cant resist.
Spending about 5 hrs at my place, we planned to go for a long drive and having our launch out. Everything was going on as per our schedule but something was wrong, whenever i was having a talk with Shruti the rest three were giving pity look to me, i didn't knew why !! and why should i know ,who cares, ignore them, just focus and focus only on shruti but something was wrong with her too , she was also quite awkward with me and its obvious as we met after 4 months, she will take some time to come back to comfortable state. leave it , never mind.
The lunch was good, thanks to 'hotel heaven's garden' . I thanked the waiter booked a table for the evening for the another gang.I am having a lot of friends.It also quite hurts too when the healthy wallet turns undernourished/sick/underweight in just few hours.
shyam the car owner and chauffeur dropped Anu at her place, then Ram at his place, then Shruti ,wow!!,at her place,i saw her walking towards the door,waving her fair hands but nonsense, moron, idiotic person shyam drove the car and shruti was out of my focus.
I was about to enter my home , the mobile ringed and it was shruti , she wanted to meet with me the next day at Cafe Coffee Day. Its not a big deal,It happens when two lovers meet after a gap their love get ignited.
At evening with shyam i went out for the dinner with the other brat group but somthing was wrong with Shyam ,he was not in his happy happy mood. I dont know why , maybe he is not having a GF as beautiful as shruti so he maynot be in good mood. I will try to fetch a nice one for him too like mine.
Next day- In winter sun use to be lazy so i was in his path too. The previous day party and khatti had made me tired.
and the mobile ringed instead of alarm.
"good morning, ohh my god you are still sleeping!!! okey will you be able to reach on time in CCD..i will be waiting, i need to have a talk with you ,plz be on time." instead of alarm shruti woke me up!! now am sure the day will be wonderfulll, goodmorning was sounding like awsome morning from her mouth. i also can imagine how she would be looking, how she would be smiling at me and forcing me to get out of bed..
"i bet, i will be on time, this time, i cant allow me to feel guilty for getting late always ".
"okey then tc , see ya "
"chelo bye".
Again i went back to my sleep not because i was feeling sleepy but just to have a flashback how i met with her, how we started to meet again and meet again and again and and.
Seven years back, the last day of final exam of class- IX, shruti and i were small kids as compared to present,actually all were small as compared to present. The exam hall was full with 100 students giving exam and two invigilator in to and fro motion.
shruti was wandering and looking at her i was pondering.
"excuse me! do you have a extra pen? ther is some problem in the ball of the refill , its not having a smooth flow, in a hurry i forgot to get extra pen" HAIL,,without answering i was just looking at her. she looked tensed but beautifull,red,cute. she continued,"its fine , let me ask someone else".
"NO!!, i mean i can lend u mine, i am almost done with the paper, if you dont mind we can excange the pen, i can adjust with it".
"are you sure!!"
Asuring her i exchanged the pens and got back to our answer sheet. while writing with her pen i felt as if i am holding her curled fingers and making her write, and the flow of the ink was so smooth.
As it was the last exam all were in a hurry to go out of the exam hall quickly and carry forward their further plans. she forgot to return my pen and i didnt want to her.
The results came out after a month.The best part was we scored equal marks in the last exam, that doesnt mean that we cheated or copied from eachother answer sheet but that is what compatibility is. true compatibility.
After the class she came to me and apolsized for losing my pen and i too consoled her not to get disheartened and returned her pen which i stored as if it was an oscar award for me.I felt so proud of my pen,it sacrifised itself for his owner. R.I.P- Renolds Jetter(my dear pen.)
Her mother use to pick her up after the school and again the best part she was getting late on that day, we had a long chat,she likes to write poem,her fav. colour is blue,she is alergic to egg,she like all movies of sharukh khan..... I love god , he is so helpfull. I was thanking god for making her mother come late and her mother arrived which made me also feel-god is not always helpfull ,he too have a time limit.
she mentioned her mother how i helped her and about our marks,,wow she said OUR... OUR marks!!..Listening to shruti about me, her mother asked me to join for lunch the next day as vaccation had started.shruti also insisted. HAIL!!!!
The whole vaccation was for her , we got to eachother in details,, she started to talk about others with me about her friends and about her likes and dislikes,,in short she needed to make someone listen all her nonsense and i was available. Even i liked to hear to her initially but now if anyone will pay me in lakhs to listen to her i will ask the payee for mercy.
Then after 2 or 3 years, as usually happen and happening with everyone- we got to know its not just friendship between us, its kind of more than that ..then valentine day turned more important than friendship day and independence day.
After 1 yr , before ending the call instead of "bye" the scripts changed into "i love you",,"i love you too"..the private love story turned into a public news, all friends started to make their eyebrows jump whenever saw me and shruti together..now what is this!!! dont they have anyother except staring at us!!
the things doesnt remain same when both express themselves i.e"i love you",,"i love you too"...then came the saturation point. I lost my interest and started to preach "we are grown up, we should focus on our career, there is no such thing as LOVE exist in this world,we should be PRACTICAL!!!" listening to this at first she started to sob a bit,, is it their birth right!! in small things they start to sob!! but yes she also looked beautifull even when she sobs,, those beautifull dark circled wet eyes,,but later she also started to think like me i.e practically and we both focused in our studies..
I exactly dont know whether she dated any other guys or not but i came across 2 to 3 girls it was not my fault ,,it happens as per situation. but the fact is pooja or swati or dims were just nothing as compared to shruti,she was more perfect than them.
slowly slowly the reglular calls turned into occational calls or i can say just formal call in a week or in a month then few times in a year..we didnt cared to keep records of eachother but whenever i used to be with anyother girl i doubted about shruti- what she must be doing!!, no she is good girl ,she cant date other guys,she must be studying at her place right now.
then we again turned into 'just friends',but still something was left which was more than just friendship.But i was quite sure she is always their for me.
Back to the present from the flash back->
I got up after one hour, made me complete all my task. completed some things which i noted as "things to do"
That evening was good but lazy, if i woulnt have promised shruti then would have slept at my place.
she was looking like an angel.All of a sudden i noticed her hair were no more short,they are long and shinny,even lights were getting reflected on it. she was busy with her mobile.The mobile is also not the same,she got a new one.
"hello dear, am on time today ,,just look at ur watch"
"good evening" greeting me she just informed someone on her mobile about my arrival-"he have arrived, you too come as soon as possible"
"is someone else going to join us!!" i asked
"yes, just guess!!"she said. why the hell i will waste my time guessing!!why dont she say ,who is it.,,whatever.
changing the topic i asked,"so! what new in your life? studies!!! any new guy or guys!!"
"nothing new, everything is smooth,so do u like my dress!! i got it today." dress!! the most important thing for girls, they can murder anyone for it.
"its a nice one,suits you" i didnt noticed that, the dress was making her more ...whatever. why am being like this!! sick.
someone came from the back and covered my eyes with his fingers, "guess, who am i!!" i was not able to guess..and he came to to the front. Ranvir!! what is he doing here?
"arre yaar ranvir! what a surprise" i stood up and shoke hands. I turned towards shruti "so he was one who was to join us!!" but why!!
Ranbir, our school mate,good in acadamics, good in sports and rich and objective oriented guy, a perfect for advertising chyawanprash.
"yes , i wanted you to meet with ranbir" she spoke smiling and ranbir went back of shruti's chair and stood their landing his hands on her shoulders and she was casual with it!!
AWww, understood.
after a gap she spoke"ranbir is the guy whome i love the most." she was having a confident flow of voice,"i wanted to share this with you, as you are a good friend of mine" ,,"so what you say!!"
what should i say !! i was blank,but no!! i cant show them that its not a surprise but rather more than a shock to me,"wow, congrats to you both." again reached ranbir and gave him a hug and didnt even wanted to touch her,she started to stink in a miserable way.
Ranvir looking at me spoke"so thank god , you havnt forgotten me, it was really a pleasure to meet with you after a long time, i can never forget my school days." if he cant forget the school days ,how did he forget about me and shruti, sala cartoon.
i lied "how can i forget you!! you were the nicest ,nobel guy in our class,hope still the same now!!"
"i bet , am now and will remain always too"ending his words he garbed a chair and sat holding the ugly fingers of shruti.
"so how you both met, you in national law school ,pune and shruti in kiit?" i didnt wanted to stay anymore with them.,the place was crowded , everything was imperfect,, people turned miserable.
both shruti and he exchanged glances smiled and he answered"you can call it,destiny!" destiny!! my foot.
The girl at the cash counter all of a sudden looked more beautifull than shruti,the old ladies were also having more elegant look than shruti. I didnt bother to look at shruti anymore.
with my fake so called happy looking gesture"so i am the first one to get the news about you both "
shruti intruppted"no, actually you are the last one to know in our gang!"
"is it ? do shyam and other know about it!!"
"yes, i told them day before yesterday."she told
"why didnt they informed me about you and ranbir!!"
"how do i know ,you ask them, shyam insisted me to inform you directly ,he told me that he hardly meet with u,,so i invited you up here" she was not able to look at me directly while speaking,, i could see the guilt in her eyes and i was feeling happy but shyam!! ,he is going to be dead with my bare hands.
I had a chat with ranbir for more 30 mins, He talked about the way they met ,the way found that they are soulmate of eachother and all rubbish.
atlast we three were set to leave and the twist- shruti wanted to talk with me alone in the absence of Ranbir. why the hell she is doing this , i dont understand,,huh leave it.
Ranbir went out near to his car getting busy with his mobile.
she broke the silence"hope you understand". i was able to see the guilt
"i have already understood." i said and also felt it ,,at the very moment i realised - i was the one who started the relation and ended it. she didnt have any fault because i was the one who was never commited.
" but promise me we will always be friends"she asked for the promise but it was not that easy for me.
we both walked out of the cafe, she took the front sit beside ranbir. we waved hands, i wished they should have a nice time,,then their was just a unknown crowd, i went back to my humble abode.
BUT shyam, i will kill that guy, why didnt he tell me about shruti and Ranbir.
i made a call to shyam and asked him to join me at my place within 15 mins without mentioning him about my knowledge related to shruti and ranbir.went back to my place washed my face which made me feel good ,, ate a packet of maggie noodle and turned completly normal.
was still hungry, so went for one more maggi packet.i was busy eating my noodles and shyam entered, he went straight to kitchen and came back with a fork and took away my maggie plate.
"why didnt you tell me ?"
without looking at me , busy eating noodles, "i got to know about her day before yesterday and didnt wanted to ruin your birthday so.."
"but still ,you should have told me, it was completely a kind of unexpected for me"
"you deserve it, hey leave it,, okey tell me one thing what am i eating now" he started his rubbish talk
"no,its not only just noodles,i snatched it from you or you can say its your leftover, which i am having now " he and his puzzle talk
"what the hell u mean?"
"so just be happy, consider shruti as noodle and me as ranbir,,and feel good"
"IDIOT, just shut up,,chal get up,,lets go for a drive"
"you know what ,,shruti gave me a call 5 mins ago,she and ranbir also went for a drive,, a long one,, just guess!!"
" i am not at all intrested to guess.Shall we go for a drive,. if your nonsense talk is over!!"
we both went for a drive ,shyam didnt stop his nonsense whole evening.It was a nice day though.
Experiencing certian things give a lot of lessons.
very cute one...