Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Move into ignorance or smiles or 'hmm'-an expression

Reading something in haste or slowly at times makes the difference. 

Sitting for a long time in an idle state of mind; the flow of abstract thoughts starts to hunt or gives a hearty tickle. The existence of wind nourishing skin vividly felt. The time that cant be noted for how long you would be looking constantly at one particular sight/object/thing..Eyes would be constant but the mind would be hovering around miles away in a different world.

All the confused impression of life suddenly becomes important for consideration. Casual incidents which shouldn’t be taken into consideration or no way related to oneself would be making the emotions imbalance. The difference between living and nonliving starts to vanish in such existence, everything seems so same. Imaginary invisible boundaries starts to become stronger than mountains whereas existing high walls seems lighter than dust, meaning of life becomes a puzzle floating like metals in deep sea.

Look around at anything, it have a story to tell. Everything/everybody looks happy but deep inside beside the bulgy eye balls, the stuff of struggle getting mad stuck, fighting for coming out to breathe in open air and shout standing on hills..

Heart says to deal with it and get a solution to run away from such state..Mind waits for a call of duty so as to stay engaged to justify self that time is passing productively.

Mere consolation always comes up i.e  “ Move on”.  

If it is so easy to move on, then where! Into ignorance or smiles or 'hmm'-An expression.

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