Saturday, July 20, 2013

Life of a Loaf

With the right brew and blend , dough was formed from flour , yeast , salt and water. The small unknown dough was sent into a dark hot huge oven for getting baked with hot rods and burning heat so as it to be adapt for the outer world.

Undergoing requisite burning environment, its size turned 4 times bigger and  skin turned into golden coloured loaf . Holding it in hands covered with gloves like handling a new born baby , homo-sapiens named it as ‘White Bread’.

The loaf was not handy so with the idea of a ruthless minded intelligent man,  a shiny knife was bought to slice it into thin pieces..If it would have been a human then he would have died with one cut but the brave loaf of white bread resisted many cuts by the brutal knife, it sliced the bread into many pieces still the bread resisted the pain and didn’t give up.

Before the bread recover and take peaceful breathe , it was packed and suffocated in a small poly bag which is even banned in many places as its not  environment friendly.

As everyone must have read in economics- when the demand increases so as the supply too..White bread was been produced in lots and marketed   

For mere business , it was displayed to many,
Sold to strangers for few penny.
Traveled to a new place leaving its bakery behind,
it didn't know what will happen,
nothing was there in its mind..

At times the supply use to be more than consumption due to poor estimation and much expectation. In such cases, the consumers turn choosy and start discriminating between a strong & stout loaf and a little weaker loaf for taking it with them for harassing it with teeth for satisfying hunger.

Few would be kept in fridge,
few would be ate fresh..
When the lifespan of its gets over,
few would be given to cats and dogs ,
few would be treated as dregs..

This is all about the dreadful struggling life of White bread. Everyday it comes and plays its role in serving humans to eradicate their hunger.;)