Waiting for someone for their work n wasting own time is such a nice occasional job,makes the victim feel so gr8,all use to experience it n get irked but never realise when they make else wait...
To deal with such kind of above situation,i never forget to carry my backpack which includes books(ofcourse not related to studies),a puzzle box(till today not able to solve the puzzle),a pad(to scrabble n doodle in it)..
And the day which was thursday.I was waiting for one of my friend who was suppose to pick me up, as i was been informed by him that he was having some important work to do for which he needs my help..as per my knowledge and experience,all of his important work were rubbish and worthless till date..
Aimlessly again and again same message from him was getting delivered in my inbox,"plz wait, dont go anywhere..reaching within 5 mins" ,,since 25 mins..
A tall white temple was standing at the opposite side to me, thought thrice to go inside but three factors- scroching sun, crowd in the temple and atleast 15 to 20 steps to climb to enter the temple made me lazy for the time being.In such situation i never forget to recall what my grandma says most of the time,"God is in us,in our heart, just pray from the depth of heart,there is no need to go to temple"..It helped..
Beside to me was an open desi tea/coffee bar, few vaccant wooden chairs were present. i approached towards it. while putting down the weight on the wooden chair, it made 3 to 4 kind of cracking noice as if all the four legs will break into pieces which made me jump and stand...
"bhaiya,sit on it, nothing will happen , even if a 100Kg man will sit on you ,,still the chair can resist the weight ", a lad tightly ensconced inside t-shirt and shorts holding 6 to 7 glasses of tea, handed me one glass of tea, i could even see one of his finger was almost in the tea(forgot to notice the length of his nails) and gave a smile and went to others to serve them, his name was chotu.
"acha, thank you"again took the seat and the chair didnt break
I started to imagine,even if the chair can resist my weight along with 100kg on me but i cant resist that 100 kg demon. bla bla,, leave it ,its not a issue to be issued..
Now the episode starts,
adjusted the chair in such a way that the rain will not directly fall on me passing through the plastic woven terrace..inserted the book and zipped the bag.. sat up their with cross arms in seething mood looking at the people jumping here and there on the street to save themselves from the hammer of rain with their tie and boots on..
Few medical representatives with their huge mustache and bags were busy in smoking cigarettes and talking about their current month targets. i had read in an article->the smoke from the cigarettes is more harmful for the people who are standing or sitting near the smoker than the person who is smoking, it meant that i will get ill prior to the smoker getting affected by Acetone, Acetylene, Ammonia, Arsenic, Benzene, Benzoapyrene, Butane, Cadmium, Carbon monoxide, Cyanide, Formaldehyde, Lead, Methanol, Nicotine, Nitrogen oxide, Phenol, Propylene glycol,Toluene which are present in the smoke..
its was raining as well as the sun was playing its role,,searched for rainbow but didnt find ,,lier science n lier my strict science school teacher..
the trees and the boundary walls of the temple were having a nice bath n looking fresh..
Now entered the hero,
A man of height around 6.2 ft, with long dreadlocks hair,half naked wrapped up with deep red dhoti like wearing a Saree ,carrying a huge potli at one side of his shoulder,with long and wild beard exited the door of the temple and approached towards the cha bar getting wet..the nearer he came the prominent and huge he looked ,, his thick mustache covered his lips and also wore bali in both the ears.
He came under the plastic woven terrace, took out a blanket from his potli,spread the blanket on the ground and sat on it, showed some code gestures to chotu and made himself comfortable taking out few rudraksha mala from his neck and biceps.
The rain was getting horrible.The message from my moronic friend-"papa is not allowing me to go out of the house as its raining,hope u understand.:-( " made me realise that i have to wait and go back alone after the rain stops.
After few mins, chotu came with a glass of tea and a packet of matchsticks..
the man stretched a bit and then opened his potli, took out few weed and mashed it with his palm then kept it on a piece of paper, and then took out his gadget from the potli i.e his traditional smoking pot-"chilam",inserted the weed (marijuana) , lighted the matchstick, showed it at the edge of the chilam and sucked in a stylish way..
after 3 to4 secs stretched his neck to the top resting both of his hand at back and damn the smoke!!.. the thickness and the intensity of the smoke coming out of his mouth was more than the carbon dioxide coming out of the silencer of a 2-stroke bike!!
he carried on with it for 3 to 4 more puff and thank god!! he stopped,,,,the worst smell was all over the place.the smell of the smoke even can make a normal human faint..but the 6ft demon was playing with his lungs with that smoke..
he packed his instrument and sat on the blanket with cross legs..
few times he caught me looking at him..
"what happened beta!!!" and suddenly he uttered,,,which i didn't want him to do..
i gave him a smile and turned around and looked at the temple, praying either to stop rain or to create a situation so that this demon will go away from here..
"what do u do?" again he asked
"am studying"
"what were you looking at!! do u want to try chilam!!,,dont be shy"(what the heck!!!!,,i couldn't believe,,how can he ask such question!!)
"no, i dont smoke"
"this is not cigarette,,its chilam ,,very pure "
"what!!!no,,thank you.."
looking at me,,he laughed out louder,,his eyes were like the eyes of an enigma..
"dont get afraid,i was joking,, i saw u were watching me since long so thought to horrify u" he said and again continued laughing..
not bad..i felt relaxed,, but didnt expect it was coming..so just chucked all ideas i was plotting to break his head , if he irks more.
"whats your name beta"
"i am from north,i like to travel,,do u know the meaning of ur name, amarjeet?" he was behaving like the HR department.
"it means immortal"
"r u immortal !!"
"no,, of course not"
"so why u r out in such a weather?"he went on questioning n made me superb bored
"just was waiting for my friend, he didnt show up,,the moment rain will stop ,,i will check out"
"the temple you see up there, it was just a small hut few years back, now its looking like a palace..,, these roads,,,so much people ,,nothing was there..the whole area was full of trees,kind of forest, i have even seen wild animals up here with my naked eyes...but now nothing,,,when i was a kid, i never thought that this place will turn into a piece of concrete,,,earlier days i could have a ramble for days n days with bare feet when the roads were not so perfect but now i have to take rest as i get burn on my feet as the roads have turned polished and perfect..i dont understand where is the world going..leave it , you are too small to understand" he took a break looked at the sky and said-"dont worry,this rain will stop soon" while mentioning about the current situation of this place, a kind of frustration was there in him..
he was not so bad or dangerous,,so thought to have a chat with him till the rain stops-"so, whts your name? "
"lol..i dont have any name,,i dont know what is the date and day or year of my birth...people at my place call me 'baba',,and people of your age call me 'mad man' or 'uncle'..lol,,my wife dont need a name to identify me nor my son,,why will i need a name,,whenever i say people i dont have a name,they set a name for me"
"what!!,, you have a wife and a son!! what do they do?? where do they live??"
"you ask so much...yes i have a wife as well as a son who is married a beautiful and nice lady,,my is few years older than you..my wife manages flower business, buying and selling of flowers and she likes to maintain the nursery,,sometime i feel she loves it more than me and actually she is very good in her work,,, about my son, he is having a utensil shop and also helps his mother in her work,both love each other very much,we all stay together at our native..Now you must be thinking,what kind of person i am who is so irresponsible to leave his wife and son alone and move here and there like a mad man as if he dont have any work!!..rite!! " he looked at me for a while with his raised thick eyebrows,,,i didn't know what to tell,,, again he asked,"what!! am i not right!! ,weren't you thinking about what kind of irresponsible person i am !!"
"please dont mind..yes i was thinking about it, how can you leave them alone and travel,, they must be worried about you.,,and where you stay and what you eat and all ..how you manage so!!" i was puzzled but he was calmly listening to me..
again he laughed,"listen,like i said you my wife love to deal with flowers,, i have set up the business in such a way that she dont have to work much even if she wants to, one party comes, delivers the flowers at the place and collect the money then the other parties come,collect the flowers from our place and makes the payment, this is what business is,rite!! and my son, he is a married man, now he should take decisions and enact it as per his way individually,, why should i interfere in his affairs!!,,he is having a long life ahead,, i know he can deal with it..what you say!!am i rite!!"
"yes" i nodded.
he continued "i often visit my wife and son to meet,,we live to the fullest... earning is not a big thing!! any one can earn, and as you asked where do i stay and what do i eat!!..i love to travel,,where ever i get a place i stay,,i dont have any problem,,about eating part, i eat what human eat..lol..i can even stay without meals for days,,all depends on how you control your desire and the way you frame your mind..but that doesn't mean that to control desire you will go to the extent,,,if u do so, u will starve..lol"
his hands reached his huge potli and took out family pic, showed it to me indicating his wife, son and daughter in law, he was also standing beside his wife in the pic.
In between the rain stopped, but the rain of knowledge i was getting from this person who was having no name was having much weight..
'where are you!!' message were randomly getting delivered in the inbox by my moronic frnd, but who cares...now i am busy..
"But beta,earning or having meals or place to stay is not a big thing... my wife and son love me a lot still they dont have any problem letting me do what i want to because she have faith on me,,, faith comes from understanding and one is ready to understand only if he/she is satisfied with you,,that is life and its so simple.. "
we exchanged our mobile numbers.
it was almost evening, he was having his train to catch,,i wished to spend more time with him..
i accompanied him till station.
while getting inside the station in other words getting departed from me ,he got serious and said,"people will come and go in your life,you will get some knowledge from them in positive as well as in negative form, all you have to do is to remember, if u cant remember then just chill and forget,,who the hell cares,,more people will come and will give you more knowledge" we both laughed and he started to walk
after few steps ,again he returned and lowering his head to my ears said,"if u need some raw pure marijuana, then i can give it to you"
"is it good!!!"
"shut up,, i was kidding,never dare to try it,,GOD bless you"
and hence he went away..
after two days when i tried to call to his number, it said-"the number doesn't exist"
as per his words-"people will come and go in your life,you will get some knowledge from them in positive as well as in negative form, all you have to do is to remember, if u cant remember then just chill and forget,,who the hell cares,,more people will come and will give you more knowledge"