I was to go to an excursion at early morning with about 32 pupils of an art class as a guide so was having some responsibility,in which I am not good at but some how managed.As it is so relish to getup early morning at 5.00 am on Sunday with the help of one alarm clock and two mobile reminders( with hardship got up at 6 am) and taking bath with chilled water in winter to get ready with which my day started.The bus in which all have to get up for the excursion was waiting at my aunty's pavilion where the art class use to held which was much far from my place so ignited the bike and started.On the way was praying not to suffer from any odd happening and suddenly my bike coughed, again coughed and went to coma which made me recall i forgot to fuel the bike the day before and its too early for a petrol pump to open.On Saturday had donated 350 ml of blood to red cross for which I was so very active but as the 'morning patience level' was on high volume instead of taking out the fault of the bike and kicking it just parked it in parking area gave some coins to the guard and took the ticket and kept it safely in the wallet then took a auto rickshaw and reached near the bus(was just 30mins late) but after reaching thanked God as all the others were also maintained punctuality as me and even some of the parents (parents were not allowed for excursion)with there kids stopped the bus to catch it at the middle of the road, after 1 hr of humpty dumpty road we all reached at the spot where there was a temple with sculptures of 19th century , a pond ,a entry gate and two tube wells.All the pupils started to draw and paint whatever they could, after a halt of 2 hrs all took breakfast packets and got ready to return (how can these 3 to 4 ft kids be so active!!).
while returning in the bus all the pupils followed the convention of excursion i.e anthaskari .In the whole journey the book-'autobiography of a yogi ' kept me in meditation mode.As the bus reached the place from where it picked all ,the parents , drivers ,uncle and aunts of the pupils surrounded the bus and looked at it as a space craft have launched with aliens and with it at last the exhausted excursion was over.
The scorching sun was having a healthy contract with the climate so me decided to stay at my aunty's place till evening for a series of nap but but forgot-> how can that be possible on Sunday when all gather at a same place to discuss the deeds of the past week and plan for the next week but still didn't lost hope and got a sick nap and the rest of the time read some of the pages of the book. At evening took a coke bottle(1 lt,empty) for carrying petrol to the place where i had left the bike .On Sunday evening all the auto rickshaws drivers will be busy in carrying there wife(s), children(s),father, mother to parks ,movies then consoled myself by thinking they are even human beings ,they have desires ,they also need rest(but why in such situation of mine they need to enjoy and take rest!!nonsense) .Anyhow got an auto and reached, saw my bike,it was waiting for me opened the bottle smelled the petrol(i love the smell of petrol). Suddenly the Mobile started to ring -
"hello doodle,where r u ? aree you have left the keys of ur bike up here"
"acha ,,,,okey"
After dropping the call still searched the bag subconsciously for the keys if i may find it.. Simply holding the bottle , hearing the music (thank God the ipod was with me ) walked 3 kms to reach my humble abode, didn't spoke to anyone and wasn't having the authority to blame others as I had made the mistake,went to the bathroom saw the mirror, smiled and told "God is testing your patience"and the mirror also did the same.After getting freshened squeezed a half lemon in the a glass full of water with a pinch of salt drank it then took out the cycle, with full of dust it was almost about to become an antique piece, went to bring back my bike's keys (cycling after a gap of two months for 28 kms give eternal peace to legs).
At the parking place the guard looked and spoke "sir, I saw u before 2 hrs ,why didn't u take your bike? "
"had been to bring my cycle to keep it over here , I will take it tomorrow"
"what!!, okey sir."
after tearing the wind for few mins reached at my habitat ,took my dinner. The bed was seeming like heaven without wasting no time jumped on it with the book and slept reading about the sages, saints, Himalayas.. awwww .
while returning in the bus all the pupils followed the convention of excursion i.e anthaskari .In the whole journey the book-'autobiography of a yogi ' kept me in meditation mode.As the bus reached the place from where it picked all ,the parents , drivers ,uncle and aunts of the pupils surrounded the bus and looked at it as a space craft have launched with aliens and with it at last the exhausted excursion was over.
The scorching sun was having a healthy contract with the climate so me decided to stay at my aunty's place till evening for a series of nap but but forgot-> how can that be possible on Sunday when all gather at a same place to discuss the deeds of the past week and plan for the next week but still didn't lost hope and got a sick nap and the rest of the time read some of the pages of the book. At evening took a coke bottle(1 lt,empty) for carrying petrol to the place where i had left the bike .On Sunday evening all the auto rickshaws drivers will be busy in carrying there wife(s), children(s),father, mother to parks ,movies then consoled myself by thinking they are even human beings ,they have desires ,they also need rest(but why in such situation of mine they need to enjoy and take rest!!nonsense) .Anyhow got an auto and reached, saw my bike,it was waiting for me opened the bottle smelled the petrol(i love the smell of petrol). Suddenly the Mobile started to ring -
"hello doodle,where r u ? aree you have left the keys of ur bike up here"
"acha ,,,,okey"
After dropping the call still searched the bag subconsciously for the keys if i may find it.. Simply holding the bottle , hearing the music (thank God the ipod was with me ) walked 3 kms to reach my humble abode, didn't spoke to anyone and wasn't having the authority to blame others as I had made the mistake,went to the bathroom saw the mirror, smiled and told "God is testing your patience"and the mirror also did the same.After getting freshened squeezed a half lemon in the a glass full of water with a pinch of salt drank it then took out the cycle, with full of dust it was almost about to become an antique piece, went to bring back my bike's keys (cycling after a gap of two months for 28 kms give eternal peace to legs).
At the parking place the guard looked and spoke "sir, I saw u before 2 hrs ,why didn't u take your bike? "
"had been to bring my cycle to keep it over here , I will take it tomorrow"
"what!!, okey sir."
after tearing the wind for few mins reached at my habitat ,took my dinner. The bed was seeming like heaven without wasting no time jumped on it with the book and slept reading about the sages, saints, Himalayas.. awwww .