Arbind sir , a complete army school sir type tutor,very particlar about time and as punctual as an army man. Even if one comes 5 mins late in his class the student should be prepared with 'excuses' along with evidence for proving it but if the student would not be able to prove his excuse then he have to regret for getting late or remaining absent or simply that day will be the last day in the tuition.
"but sir"i started to present my apology and all of a sudden he got up from his chair as if someone lighted the stove under him and interrupted "dont u dare to give me false reasons, u know i hate that" his index finger was pointed towards me and was just about 5 inchs away from my nose.
"sir, 2 basic conditions and 2 additional conditions"
"upto wht amount tax is exempted for a person who is a senior citizen ?"
"and fr a person less thn 65 yrs? "
ufffff 1st step passed now i gt a seat.
"nice , so u have got prepared for the 'arvind sir's questions fire' ,,but dont worry u r under target today" vijay wispered in my ear, who use to sit beside me and help me in answering while viva.
"so whts ur name,,umm amarjeet ,so wht was the reason for remaining absent fr 2 classes ?"he asked me checking his attendance resister.
Damn , this was a critical question, i was not prepared for it.
(4 days back) ->
Still 2 hrs was remaining for arvind sir tuitions and my mobile ringed(the electronic gadget which is the main culprit). The moment i saw the name displaying on the screen, i told myself "doodle, seems like u have to bunk the class today", it was Rahul.
"hello" i answered the call.
"get ready , am reaching at ur place within 10 mins "
"no way , i have got my tuitions"
"the hell with your tuitions, and dont behave as if u r having exam tomm. "
"but its about arbind's tuitions"
"ohhhh tht arvind budha..." he thought fr a while then barked "dont worry we will find a solution for it"
"but still why u r in a hurry ,by the way where were we moving!!" i tried to inquire even if i knew i will not get the proper answer.
"shutup, and grab a bag with some dresses in" he spoke and finally dropped the call, it was assumed that he was in full speed rushing towards my house.
Right after 2 mins of my packing the door bell didnt got rest for 30 secs till i opened the door.
"i thought u will be waiting for me outside, why u always take long to get ready as like a girl...blah blah"he continued his talk with himself and moved directly towards the fridze with his boots on ,the act my mother hate the most.
we got into the car but nooooo!! we were not just 2 ,more 3 were were at back seat-sumit,dilip,rajesh. we all greeted eachother as if havent seen eachother since long.
"where we are about to!!" finally i asked, i had started realising that - for sure we will be out of the city soon.
"puri, puri ,puri" all the four said in chorus and the word overlapped
"nooooo way, i havnt informed my parents" i gave a cause in a hope at least they will have a change in plan but i knew it will not work and it didnt.
"okey lets see whats happening !!" i said , i didnt have anyother option too,, actually i was also quite intrested. ;)
After reaching at puri ,, enjoyed a lot, 3 days passed like few hrs.,, enjoyed at beach and ofcource traced some beautifull girls ,, same old flirt looks,, passing comments , tolerating their attitudes and all ...
"Amarjeet, i asked u a question!!!" tanggg.. the voice of arvind sir's made me return from flash back of the fun i did in puri..
"yes sir,,sir actually..." i was going to continue and again he intrupted - "no actually , tell the accurate fact, u know how i hate lies"
He was behaving as if he is suffering from constipation and docters have prescribed -"mr.arvind,if only ur students will give true statements then u will be able to give much amount of shit to ur latrine" yak , the hell with my imaginations.
"sir, as u know day before yesterday it was raining, still i was about to come to ur place and suddenly rahul phoned me , the one who use to come in your afternoon batch. " with a confidence voice i started .
"yes yes , rahul , he is also not coming ,was he with u !! "he tried to link the situation with raised eye brows.
"exactly sir, he just called up and informed me tht his cousin who stay at puri met with an accident with her new scooty(ladies bike) As u know sir, girls now a days dont know how to drive a scooty in such rush traffic still their parents buy them one ,, and the result u know .. as happened with rahul's cousin.. " i gave some serious expression and the scooty part was a kind of revenge for those girls who were giving smirk smile when i was standing outside.
"so what happened to the cousin of the rahul, i mean the girl " he asked again which made me sure tht i am making a perfect story.
"thnk GOD, sir GOD exists, nothing happened to the girl rather the scooty was completly destroyed, Rahul and I got frightened when we saw the scoooty ,all negatives thoughts came to out mind but when we saw Rahul's causin we got relief,, she just had some scratch, docters said she is fine and nothing to worry".ufffffffff its reallly hard to match ur gestures with ur false statement.
"what made u stay up there for three days?"he asked, damn again a question , this man is himself a question mark.
"sir,actually uncle, Rahul's cousin's father dont know much about all this insurance claim and all, as Rahul and me are quite aware of these stuffs , uncle requested us to look out on that matter and in that situation it was not appropriate for us to deny him so... " i completed.
"i understand,yes you both did a good job but atleast you should have informed me , i got angry on you without any reason , am feeling bad on my behavior now"he felt sorry.
"Its fine sir,you didnt knew, a sir always think good for his student, scolding of a teacher is a kind of blesssing for students, am really greatfull to get such a teacher like you..blah blah". i concluded
"thanks my dear , thanks, me too like to teach you like student who give so much respect to their teacher otherwise some brats are there who dont have bit of manners , u all saw how sober this guy is(he spoke the last line looking at others)."he concluded. I saw the jelousy in the eyes of my anti parties, i loved it ..
"gr8 dude , u r a confidence trickster" vijay passed a statement wispering in my ears. anyone can judge was it a comment or a compliment.
He took 3 hrs class on that day to complete the class and made me understood all the stuffs which were been taught in last 3 bunked classes. After the class, simply i came out of the class , phoned and made rahul understand the situation and got some complements/comments from him too.